View our safeguarding statement

At Stokes Wood the safeguarding, welfare, physical and emotional well-being of our children and their families are a priority. As such, any concerns which contradict this will be acted on immediately.


Picnic in the park

A special treat. Reception children and staff went to the local park for a picnic.

Super Hero Sports Day

Children, staff and parents all enjoyed the Super Hero Sports Day. It’s all about taking part and having fun… and sometimes you win 😊

Dinosaur visit

Reception had an exciting visit to New Walk Museum to investigate dinosaurs. They are so big!

Traffic Survey

The reception children went up to the A50 in groups of 10 to survey the different vehicles travelling along the road. They were very excited about the activity. They recorded the numbers using a tally chart. On their return, they talked about the impact of the vehicles on the environment.

People who help us

We had some friends visit us from the police. They told us how we can get help from the police. It was really exciting sitting in the police car.

Leicester City Champions celebration

Reception children backed the Blue Army and cheered them on to victory.

Fundamental Movement Festival

The coaches from Inspire Together came to Stokes Wood to work on the children’s physical literacy and fundamental movement. As ever it is always great fun.

Trip to the Botanical Gardens

The reception children had an amazing day out at the Botanical Gardens in Oadby. They found out about all sorts of plants and which plants fruit came from. They were quite amazed that bananas came from trees. They thought they came from the fruit bowl or Asda!
Pond dipping was an adventure. They loved it, catching small water animals and NOT falling in!

Phonic books reading at home

The following videos are to help you to read phase 2 and 3 phonics books at home with your child. You can refer to the sounds that we model at the beginning of the video as much as you like to familiarise yourself with the sounds that they will be learning. Please continue to read at least three times a week for around 15 minutes with your child and write it in the monkey book they have in their folder.
This is very important. Please also continue to remind your child to bring their reading book to school every day.
There will be fabulous prizes for the children who are reading the most at home!

Phase 2 Parent guide

Phase 3 Parent Guide

Skipping Challenge

The reception children took part in the skipping challenge to raise money for Leicester Children’s Holiday Homes, a charity which provides holidays for children not as lucky as most of us. The charity also supports schools with funding for school trips. The children did so well. They got better and better as they practised and as you can see really enjoyed it! Well done everyone!