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At Stokes Wood the safeguarding, welfare, physical and emotional well-being of our children and their families are a priority. As such, any concerns which contradict this will be acted on immediately.

Year 5

Mini Police Celebration

As a reward for all their good work as Mini Police, Mrs Rood’s class were invited to the Enderby Police HQ where, as you can see they really enjoyed themselves. What an experience!

Mini Police visit to Abbey Care Home

Mrs Rood’s and Ms. Patel’s class visited the older generation at Abbey Care Home. They sang the school song and showed them pictures they had painted. They also had lovely conversations together. The children were amazed to be talking to someone of 96 years of age.

Cycling skills

At New College there is a cycling course. A group of Year 5 children were invited to practise their cycling skills there.

Mini Police assembly presentation about Internet Safety

Mrs Rood’s class presented a very informative assembly to Year 2 to Year 5 children. They spoke about the dangers and how to keep themselves safe as well as how to avoid being unkind online. A group performed a short role play about posting photos and how you should get a person’s permission before posting a photo. PCSO Smith supported the children together with Mrs Rood.

Skipping Challenge

The Year 5 children took part in the skipping challenge to raise money for Leicester Children’s Holiday Homes, a charity which provides holidays for children not as lucky as most of us. The charity also supports schools with funding for school trips. The children did so well. They got better and better as they practised and as you can see really enjoyed it! Well done everyone!

Mini Police assertation

Mrs Rood’s class proudly took their oaths and received their uniforms in front of their parents, PCSO Peter Smith and 2 members of the police force leaders. The children will be taking on community projects and also planning and performing an internet safety assembly.

Visit to St Thomas More Church

Year 5 pupils were invited by Year 5 pupils at Saint Thomas More Academy to visit their church.
Our children were shown round the church as part of their Religious Education curriculum.
They enjoyed seeing things for themselves and hearing about what the artefacts and different religious objects in the church mean. You can see the altar,  baptismal font, easter candle and the statue of Saint Thomas More in the photos.